Hardware & Firmware

Software Development

Cloud & Web

Courses Area

Training Courses

In addition to the primary activity of Iot Research&development, Agevoluzione supports an offer of training courses consisting of courses focused on the basic concepts of the Internet of Things and, at a more advanced level,  on the application of the Iot in the specific fields of Smart Factory – Smart Building – Smart Energy. The courses are aimed at IT Professionals and those who manage the ICT structure of a company with the aim of acquiring the ability to identify possible application scenarios (Industrial Iot Solutions) where Iot results can be exploited within the company and measure the economic impact of the new technological tools presented in the course.

We have also decided to make use of our experience and expertise by extending our training proposal also to standard ICT content, to respond in a complete and efficient way to the business training needs of our customers.


  • On-line test: for the verification of incoming skills
  • Typology: Calendar Courses – Planning Courses: ad hoc training course based on the needs of the company with definition of the contents and preparation of Business Case Study
  • Participants: Courses for corporate groups and One-to-One Courses
  • Classrooms: Courses available at the customer’s premises with preparation of classroom training – Courses in our classrooms with useful material for training and/ or exercise
  • Certificates: Completion of the certificate for each participant
  • Teaching material: each participant will be provided with teaching material in digital format
  • Organization and management of training quality monitoring and reporting activities